First international conference, “Ukrainian Gaming Summit 2017”, under the auspices of the Ukrainian Association of the Gaming Industry (UGIA), took place on 8 December, in Kiev, capital of Ukraine.

Main focus of the event centred around the best possible strategy to introduce responsible legalization of gaming in Ukraine – how to turn this business into a transparent and accountable form of social activity, which is to be beneficial for both the state and investors.

Mrs Iryna Sergienko, UGIA President, emphasized the importance of experience of the EU countries in anticipated regulating of the Ukrainian gaming business, pursuant to the principle of social responsibility.

Secretary-General of European Organization for Gaming Law, Mr Zoran Puhač, participated at the event as the keynote speaker, presenting the subject Gaming Industry and Social Challenges and familiarizing the attendees with the insights and expertise from European Commission and UK Gambling Commission on economic and social impact of a growing gaming industry.

International speakers, at the panel session, shared their experience of gaming regulation in Europe. Using a variety of easily understandable statistical data, they demonstrated the broad spectrum of economic and social advantages of a legalized and regulated gaming business within a national system.

Ukrainian MPs and executive officials who participated at the Summit recognized and emphasized the need for a prompt legalization of the gaming industry. They called up the business representatives and experts to either finalize drafts laws or create new ones in the Parliament.

It is worth mentioning that the legalization of gaming industry is one of the obligations foreseen by the Memorandum on Cooperation, signed between Ukraine and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the disbursement of the next loan tranche to this Eastern European country.

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