The Annual EOGL Executive Committee Meeting was held during, under the auspices of the 2018 ICE Totally Gaming B2B Event in London. Once again, all the Committee’s participants, mostly representatives of sports betting operators, underlined the Industry’s firm dedication to fundamental principles of free provision of services within the EU Internal Market, as well as to the values of fair competition and reasonable and sustainable taxation.

During the meeting, the biggest emphasis was put on the implications following the decision made by the European Commission to close all pending infringement cases and outstanding complaints against EU Member States, in their respective national provisions regulating online gambling which are deemed to be in breach of the EU acquis. It was ascertained that EOGL will continue encouraging all the European gaming industry subjects to file cases at the European Court of Justice (ECJ).

Furthermore, in spite of the decision made by the EU Commission, which is to bring adverse effects to the Industry as a whole, EOGL will continue to regularly communicate with the EU institutions with the aim of promoting a consolidated approach to regulating the EU gaming market.

As one of the most important activities carried out in recent year, EOGL Executive Committee recognized the promotion of the Responsible Gaming measures to encourage operators and associations to keep complying with the best Industry practices on a global scale

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